The grand illusion is that there is absolute good and absolute evil.
This is not the case.
It is simply a matter of perspective.
Let’s take the destructive principle of the Universe as an example. Destruction breeds creation. It is a necessary part of existence, of life itself. Without it, there is no contractive, limiting force to maintain the structure of things, and so everything would simply burst forth as an explosion of light.
To the destructive principle, the creative principle appears as evil. It attempts to sabotage the destruction, to expand, evolve and grow. Destruction is constantly fighting against it in an ongoing battle. It can’t let it take over, lest the Universe and all of life cease to exist.
Now let’s take the creative principle as an example. It is obvious how the creative and expansive force is necessary for the existence of this Universe. Without it, of course, there would be no existence, no creation. Everything, if it were to even exist in the first place, would collapse in on itself. All that could be would be a field of darkness, pure unmanifested potential resting in awareness.
To the creative principle, the destructive principle appears as evil. Destruction is always threatening the existence of creation, and together they fight in order to maintain themselves. Creation constinuously resists destruction, it pushes against it so that it can survive and thrive within this Universe.
In this way you can see how, no matter what perspective you are in, it is easy to see yourself as “good” and that which opposes you as “evil”, when in fact, neither are real and neither are true. The apparent battle taking place is the constant ebb and flow of polar aspects, both maintaining the existence of this Universe simultaneously. Because our Universe is polarized, it is binary, so both the destructive and creative forces revolve around each other in unison. At their core is the primordial essence, the pure consciousness which gives birth to all of creation.
So, beings who resonate more with the dark or destructive aspect of the Universe view the light or creative aspect of the Universe as evil and do all they can to fight against it and attempt to defeat it. The beings who resonate more with the light or creative aspect of the Universe do the same.
The reason why the light so often wins is because Universal expansion is favored in this Universe at this time. If destruction were favored, the Universe would be collapsing in on itself, and this is not the case. So because the creative or light principle is favored within this Universe, at least in this time-space reality within the third dimension, humans themselves are a light, creation oriented species. We resonate with creation, with love and light, freedom and expression. Destruction and contraction hurts us, it inhibits the free flow of our creative faculties and sabotages our capacity to thrive. So we view it as “evil” and we fight against it. It is not truly evil, but I suppose that you could say it is a necessary evil, at least relatively speaking.
Ultimately all of creation is moving back towards merging with oneness. The job of destruction is to prevent this at all costs. To maintain the separation, the ignorance, the delusion. It is beautiful. The divine game that we play. Without it, we could never know ourselves as the One. The eternal and primordial essence of all that is, both the creation and the destruction, both the creator and the created, both the awareness and the experience. You are your own worst enemy and your own best friend, and in the end your worst enemy was actually your very best friend all along ;) Much love